(Tekst na hrvatskom pronađite niže na stranici.)

The Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Rijeka announces an


for artworks


for the exhibition Black Disguises, which after the exhibition Between There and There. The anatomy of temporary migrations (MMSU, 2017) will be held as the second part of the EU project Risk Change.

More about the project via the link: https://riskchangeproject.wordpress.com/

The artistic-research project and the exhibition Black Disguises thematises economic migrations as a collective phenomenon, dealing with their causes, incentives, consequences and relationships between migrants and inhabitants on the level of everyday life. The emphasis is on the population as the main object of biopolitics that is constantly under suspicion, surveillance, supervision, which express the migratory processes as the appearance of a state of exception. Led by the ideas of a state of exception, the project focuses upon the theme of excess as the suspension of the legal state and the rule of law. Excess is defined in a broad glossary: by the overstepping of authority, the crossing of a regular border, the violation of a measure or legislation. In doing so, the differences between repression and freedom, militancy and peacefulness, correctness, and corruption and blackmail, become hazy, and the state of exception of everyday practice. With a foothold in social philosophy as well as everyday experience, Black Disguises combine migratory, working and economic issues, focussing on the field of migration as a place of constantly emerging excess.

The exhibition explores the fictitious and physical potentials of conflicting social situations as a catalyst of change. It is attempting to imagine the space outside all spaces, as a possible solution for the newly-created excessive conditions in the wake of excessive mobility. Amongst the key issues, the following stand out:

  • Migrations – for whom are they excessive and in relation to what?
  • Does the controlling of migration and the limitation of excess assume the grasp for repressive measures, the activation of pure violence?

Black Disguises also attempts to divert attention to the suspicious economic-political decisions and the questionable sovereignty in relation to the condition in the labour market. The footholds make renewed discussions about the appropriation of the surplus of work and the enforcement of marketability, then the processes of social stratification conditioned by continuous borrowing and the monopoly of a profit-oriented culture. In doing so, as a fundamental imbalance the inverted relationship between the mobility and reproducibility of capital is emphasised versus the agglomeration of useless surpluses, into which, in the conditions of a deregulated market, the growing masses enter whose mobility has no connection with free choice.

The artworks will be chosen by a five-member jury – MMSU curators Ksenija Orelj, Sabina Salamon, Nataša Šuković, Marina Tkalčić, and Renato Stanković (Cultural studies at the University of Rijeka). The chosen works will be presented in the exhibition, which will be held from 8th December 2017 until 22nd February 2018 in MMSU.

Applications should contain:

  • name, surname, address, telephone number and e-mail address
  • CV
  • a description of the work with accompanying documentation (drawing, photograph, video clip etc.)
  • technical information about the setup of the work

Notes for applicants:

  • individuals and collectives from the area of the Republic of Croatia and the EU, and Third Countries have the right to apply to the public invitation (a Third Country is a country not participating in the Creative Europe Programme. Third Country costs are all expenses relating to citizens of a Third Country, organisations based in a Third Country, activities taking place in a Third Country, or European Partners travelling towards a Third Country. For more information visit: https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/creative-europe/content/creative-europe-participating-countries_en and https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/creative-europe/library/eligibility-organisations-non-eu-countries_en)
  • an artist can apply to the public invitation with one piece of work
  • they can propose new works or existing works created within the last three years
  • they can apply by e-mail at marina.tkalcic@mmsu.hr with the subject ‘Black Disguises’
  • the fee for the chosen artist is 3,000 kuna net (regardless of whether it is the work of an artistic collective or individual artist) within which no additional production funds are foreseen; transportation costs of the works are covered, travel expenses and accommodation.

The public invitation is open until 20th Ocotber 2017, and notification of the accepted exhibits will be published by 6th November 2017.
This project has been co-financed by the European Union within the framework of the Creative Europe programme, Ministry of Culture of Republic of Croatia and the City of Rijeka. This program reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Muzej moderne i suvremene umjetnosti u Rijeci objavljuje


za umjetničke radove


na izložbi Crne krabulje koja se, nakon izložbe Između tamo i tamo: Anatomija privremenih migracija (MMSU, 2017.), održava kao druga epizoda EU projekta RISK CHANGE.

Više o projektu na poveznci: https://riskchangeproject.wordpress.com/

Umjetničko-istraživački projekt i izložba Crne krabulje tematizira ekonomske migracije kao kolektivni fenomen, baveći se njihovim uzrocima, povodima, posljedicama i odnosima između migranata i stanovnika na razini svakodnevnog života. Naglasak je na stanovništvu kao glavnom objektu biopolitke koji je konstantno pod sumnjom, prismotrom, nadzorom, što izražavaju migracijski procesi kao nastupanje izvanrednog stanja. Poveden idejama o izvanrednom stanju, projekt u fokus stavlja temu ekscesa kao suspenzije pravne države i bezakonja. Eksces je definiran širokim pojmovnikom: prekoračenjem ovlasti, prijelazom redovne granice, prestupanjem mjere ili propisa. Pritom, razlike između represije i slobode, militantnosti i miroljubivosti, korektnosti te korupcije i ucjene, postaju maglovite, a izvanredno stanje svakodnevna praksa. S uporištem u socijalnoj filozofiji kao i svakodnevnom iskustvu, Crne krabulje objedinjuju migracijsku, radnu i ekonomsku problematiku, fokusirajući migracijsko polje kao mjesto ekscesa u neprestanom nastajanju.

Izložba istražuje fikcijske i fizičke potencijale konfliktnih društvenih situacija kao katalizatora promjene. Pokušava zamisliti prostor izvan svih prostora, kao moguće rješenje za novonastala ekscesna stanja uslijed prekomjerne mobilnosti. Među ključnim se pitanjima nameću sljedeća:

  • Migracije – za koga su prekomjerne i u odnosu na što?
  • Pretpostavlja li kontroliranje migracija i ograničavanje ekscesa posezanje za represivnim mjerama, aktivaciju čistog nasilja?

Crne krabulje, također, nastoje skrenuti pažnju na sumnjive ekonomsko-političke odluke i upitnu suverenost u odnosu na stanje na tržištu rada. Uporišta čine obnovljene rasprave o prisvajanju viška rada i nametanju utrživosti, potom procesi socijalnog raslojavanja uvjetovanog neprestanim zaduživanjem i monopolom profitno orijentirane kulture. Pritom, kao temeljni nesrazmjer naglašava se izvrnut odnos između pokretljivosti i obnovljivosti kapitala naspram aglomeracije neupotrebljivih viškova, u koje u uvjetima dereguliranog tržišta ulazi rastuće mnoštvo čija pokretljivost nema veze sa slobodnim izborom.

Umjetničke radove birat će peteročlani žiri – MMSU kustosice Ksenija Orelj, Sabina Salamon, Nataša Šuković, Marina Tkalčić i Renato Stanković (Kulturalni studiji Sveučilišta u Rijeci). Izabrani radovi bit će predstavljeni na izložbi koja će se održati od 8. prosinca 2017. do 22. veljače 2018. u MMSU.

Prijava treba sadržavati:

  • ime, prezime, adresu, broj telefona, e-mail adresu
  • životopis
  • opis rada uz popratnu dokumentaciju (skica, foto, video zapis ili dr.)
  • tehničke podatke o postavu rada

Napomene za predlagatelje/ice:

  • pravo prijave na javni poziv imaju pojedinci i kolektivi s područja Republike Hrvatske i EU, te Trećih zemalja (Treća zemlja je zemlja koja ne sudjeluje u programu Kreativna Europa. Troškovi za Treće zemlje su svi troškovi namijenjeni građanima Trećih zemalja, aktivnostima koje će se odvijati u Trećim zemljama, ili europskim partnerima koji putuju u Treće zemlje. Više informacija na poveznicama: https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/creative-europe/content/creative-europe-participating-countries_en i https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/creative-europe/library/eligibility-organisations-non-eu-countries_en)
  • jedan autor/ica se može na javni poziv javiti s jednim radom
  • mogu se predložiti novi radovi ili već postojeći radovi nastali u posljednje tri godine
  • prijave se šalju mailom na adresu marina.tkalcic@mmsu.hr s naznakom ‘Crne krabulje’
  • honorar za izabranog autora/icu iznosi 3.000,00 kn neto (neovisno radi li se o umjetničkom kolektivu ili individualnom autoru) unutar kojega se ne predviđaju dodatna produkcijska sredstva; pokrivaju se troškovi transporta radova, putni troškovi i smještaj.

Javni poziv otvoren je do 20. listopada 2017. godine, a obavijest o prihvaćenim prijedlozima bit će objavljena do 6. studenoga 2017.


Program javnog poziva sufinanciran je sredstvima programa Europske unije Kreativna Europa, Ministarstva kulture Republike Hrvatske i Grada Rijeke.

Sadržaj poziva ne izražava mišljenje programa EU Kreativna Europa, Ministarstva kulture Republike Hrvatske i Grada Rijeke, već isključivo mišljenje i stavove Muzeja moderne i suvremene umjetnosti.


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